We have worked in the Banking & Insurance sector for over 25 years, conducting surveys for clients based in China, Asia-Pacific, US and Europe.
- Retail Banking
- Corporate & SME Banking
- Private Banking
- Internet Banking
- Consumer Insurance
- Corporate Insurance
- Online Insurance
- Private Equity Firms
- Venture Capital/Hedge Funds
- Mergers & Acquisition Firms
- Chartered Accountants
- Customer Satisfaction Survey with Retail Banks in Hong Kong
- Merchant Satisfaction Tracking Survey with American Credit Card companies in China, Hong Kong and
Asia Pacific countries
- Mystery Shopping for Retail Banks in Hong Kong
- Customer Satisfaction with Insurance Companies in Hong Kong
- Travel & Entertainments Survey among Corporates in Hong Kong for an American credit card company
- Customer Satisfaction with local Retail Banks in China
- SME Customer Satisfaction with local Banks in China
- Usage and Attitudes towards Retail Banks in China
- Capital Investment Needs Among High Net Worth Individuals in China
- Customer Satisfaction for Retail Banks in Asia-Pacific
- Customer Satisfaction for Commercial Sector of Banks in Hong Kong
- Employee Engagement for Insurance Companies in Hong Kong
- Usage and Attitude towards Insurance Companies in Hong Kong
- Mystery Shopping in Hong Kong for an American Credit Card
- Bankasurrance Study for Banks in Hong Kong
- Client Satisfaction with European Merchant Banks
- Client Satisfaction with Venture Capital Firms in US and Europe
- An Advocacy Survey on Asia-Pacific Retail Banks
- Market Potential for Online Insurance Services
- Attitudes of High Net Worth Individuals Towards Electronic Banking
- Market Potential for Financial Services among the Over 60s
- Hang Seng Bank
- Dah Sing Bank
- Bank Of China (Hong Kong)
- American Express Card
- American Express Bank
- Bank Of America
- China PingAn Insurance
- China PingAn Bank
- Lloyds TSB
- Schroders
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers
- Ernst & Young
- Andersen
- Kleinwort Benson
- Norwich Union
- Cigna
- Standard Chartered
- 3i
- Barclays
- Candover
- Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Advocacy
- Brand Equity
- Media & Advertising
- Brand and Ad Tracking
- Sales & Marketing Effectiveness
- New Product Design & Development
- Market Positioning
- Market Segmentation
- Pricing Surveys
- Mystery Shopping
- Feasibility Studies
- Syndicated Surveys